Friday, October 21, 2011

Thoughts & concerns

So, I thought blogging was going to be fun and easy to do but, lately I have been lagging on it. Honestly, I thought we were going to be drawing and painting in this class but, unfortunately we don't. It's just different for me because I thought art class was hands-on. It's just another different way of learning art I guess. And the book is so boring to read! Anyway, enough of about that. As much as I don't like this, I'll try keeping up with the chapters. I like how the class goes, don't get me wrong, its just the blogging I'm disliking right now. It's not a regular thing for me to "remember" to blog. I keep forgetting about it. Are any of you experiencing this? BTW, theres not Chapter 23 in my book.....?

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